Monday, October 22, 2012

Past, Present and Future

Over the past several weeks I have been "Friend Sick" which is my version of home sick.  Missing and wanting to spend time with my friends from Alabama, Jacksonville, Tampa, Canada and the ones who have moved and traveled all over. Familiar voices and personalities, people that know who I am and love me for just that. People that I share common interest and funny memories with. There is something to be said when you can call a friend and say lets meet up for a run, dinner, drinks, coffee, a play date, it's warm and comforting.

I have really been blessed with meeting and knowing some cool, smart, crazy talented and caring individuals. I love seeing the people I care about flourish in their dreams and watch how they enjoy life. And that is one of the reason why I love social media so much, it allows me to feel connected with the people I know or knew and helps me find out more about the people I am  getting to know.

So I got to thinking about my past, present and future friends. The people that were once friends and have either drifted  away or abruptly left my life, the friends of my past that have gracefully grown with me into my present and then friends of my future. Its crazy to think about who you were close with 5 years ago, 1 year ago and who you are close with in the present moment. I often wonder how will the people I meet today affect me tomorrow, will a "It was so great to meet you"  naturally  evolve into a new friendship or just be someone passing by?

Plain and simple I miss my friends and even though I can't see most of you as often as I would like, I think of you fondly and I do wish I can put everyone I adore in my bubble so I can see you all whenever I want!

To friends; past, present and future!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Life is so much sweeter

When you decide to be the sugar.

It's not news to everyone who knows me that this year I have had my share of changes in my life. From a new move, to new jobs, to a new school (for Everly), to moving and expanding a business, changes in relationships and the development of new friendships. To me it is an understatement to say a lot has been going on and to say it has been easy would not be true. With change comes challenges, obstacles and opinions, and I had to choose on how I would handle them. Honestly sometimes it has not been very gracefully but my heart reminds me that every experience is a journey and to embrace, hold on tight and try to have fun. So when I read this quote "Life is so much sweeter when you decide to be the sugar" I smiled and made that choice to be the sugar.

This life we our given is amazing, surround yourself with people that make you laugh, tell you the truth, place no judgement, want to see you happy and gives a good hug! And remember to do the same for them.