Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Happy Birthday

July 26, 2010 at 11: 43pm Everly Jon Hancock was born, 7.11lbs and 20.5 inches long. The day however started at 5:30am, I had another restless night since I was officially going on my 4th over due day. My mom just left to go home and I was about to watch my DVR of Mad Men from the night before and as I got up a gush of water came with me...and away we went. I actually felt great, ate some breakfast, took a shower, did my hair and applied some waterproof mascara and still was able to watch Mad Men before I left for the hospital.

We checked in watched the hangover and elf because nothing was happening and I wanted to laugh. I did several laps around the hospital talking with my Aunt Chris and friend Lisa.  I think around 1pm or so I started labor but again I wasn't really sure since I had no clue what I was doing. We started our baby mix playlist and I attempted to do this naturally with my Mom and Justin by my side as well as family and friends in the waiting room cheering me on. However after several hours later and no relief insight, I decided it was time for an epidural. So around 8pm this lovely Canadian anesthesiologist came in and as I was experiencing some major discomfort the fellow Canadians just chatted it up about hockey and being from Canada. I had to end that conversation real quick...come on boys focus, large ass needle going into my spine, can we skip the hockey talk till later?! Thanks!

After all that happened I finally got some much needed rest before the party started up again around 11:15pm, 34 minutes later out comes this little baby. We still didn't know what we had until my mom asked about 5 minutes later, "it's a girl" one of the nurses said. We wanted Justin to tell me but with all the excitement he forgot. Justin went out to announce the wonderful news to our cheering committee in the waiting room, which was made up of my Dad, Aunt Chris, Cousin Aaron, and great friends soon to be Aunties, Lisa and Pam. They all came in to meet the new little addition, we popped some bubbles and made a toast to this amazing miracle.

Everly Jon danced her way into this world on her own terms and I hope she continues life drumming to her own beat, full of confidence and an open, loving heart. Happy birthday sweet girl, we are so blessed to have you in our lives.

Love and hugs always!


  1. Happy First Birthday Miss Everly!! We love you! Aunt Angie and Uncle Jason!

  2. To my precious Angel Everly, my sweet, Daughter, "I love you more than stars and the amazing son-in-law, who helped all of this to happen, I love you all so very much. Thank you for this miracle!

  3. Thank you! She is such a blessing! xoxo
